New Development and Community-Involvement Initiative
Welcome to Dumas/Desha- AR
"We Are Better Together"
"We Are Better Together" | | 870.623.8179
Happening Now- The Launch of our GoFundMe for Redevelopment the West Dumas Community Family Life Center
Our Recent Happenings are Worth Celebrating.....
2015 "Thanks for Giving" Festival Day
A new America calls for new initiatives. After months of careful and prayerful preparation, City PRIDE launched in Dumas and Desha County in the Fall of 2012. P.R.I.D.E. is the acronym for "Positive Results in Dumas Every Day" and expands to Positive Results in Desha Every Day and will have a greater impact when it reaches Positive Results in (the) Delta and in DC Every Day.
Thanksgiving in Dumas
National Day of Prayer Joins City PRIDE
Thanksgiving Day for“Sweet Hour of Prayer, Praise and Worship
Service and Radio Special”
This Thanksgiving Day, the National Day of Prayer joins
City PRIDE- ‘Positive Results in Dumas-Everyday’ and are inviting all persons across
Dumas, Desha and neighboring cities to attend a special community Thanksgiving Day, Prayer Praise and Worship Service.
Bishop Alfonso Madden of Dumas is
leading the spirit-filled service and will be joined by other ministries and
concerned individuals who are coming together to offer joint prayers and
testimonies of agreement and most importantly, prayers of thanksgiving to God
for the many blessings in our community.
Prior to the service a special radio program will
reflect on the year and salute persons and programs that have given much to the
city and statewide efforts. The program
will air from 9am-10am on The College of Aspiring Artists Radio at The service will be held at HMC-Hunt Memorial
Cathedral of Faith in Dumas from 10am until 11am. The service is a part of a monthly city youth
forum and community fellowship series which takes place every 4th
Thursday in the month and normally scheduled at 6pm.
During the service prayers will be offered for
local, state and national leaders in the areas of family, church, government,
economy, military and media in the manner that the National Day of Prayer
engages in daily and especially on the 1st Thursday in May, which is
the National Day of Prayer. In
addition, there will be opportunities to pray with and for persons who are
challenged with other concerns both individually or for city and community
concerns. Proceeds from the services benefit the ‘I Am My Brother’s Keeper’
Scholarship Fund which promotes higher education and honors the lives of young
men in Dumas/Desha.
The National Day
of Prayer is part of America’s heritage and belongs to all Americans. It
provides an opportunity for citizens to pray voluntarily, according to their
own faith – and it does not promote any particular religion or form of
religious observance. Arkansas offers a special
proclamation each year from the office of the governor.
Our Recent Happenings are Worth Celebrating.....
2015 "Thanks for Giving" Festival Day
“A Taste of the Churches”
-Oh Taste and See
that the Lord is Good-
Calling all churches
who want to come out and ‘spread some love’ in the community and say “Thanks
For Giving” to community leaders and programs who are helping to make a
difference in our communities. It’s simple to sign on- here’s how:
1. Prepare a meal of
love, joy, peace, gentleness, etc.,- bring it out-(that’s the leaders)
2. Prepare a table (or
two) of your best holiday foods for up to 25 people
3. Come on out to the
City PRIDE – Thanks For Giving Festival Day and have a great time
Who can participate: Any church or
ministry in the Dumas, Desha and Southeast AR area.
Contact: Taste of the Churches at 870.377.1955
What We Do-
The word pride has two connotations most often conveyed. One is the pride of arrogance, the other, the pride of dignity and honor. City PRIDE focuses on the latter. It derives its strength from a people/population that work together in principles of love, unity, non-violence and humility in partnership with community organizations including but not limited to churches, schools, colleges, governmental agencies and media networks. A weekly program airs which spotlights Dumas every Monday morning from 9am-10am on KABF 88.3 FM which is powered by The show is produced by The College of Aspiring Artists and TCAA Creative Economy Network.
A current focus is to redevelopment the West Dumas Community Family Life Center and resume programs listed on this site as well as multiple new programs that will provide support to boys and girls, youth and young adults along with excellence in family and community programs and empowerment.
Unfortunately, this year Dumas has witnessed three homicides with teenage young men. Our prayers and work combine with all persons, ministries and organizations who are committing to making Dumas truly a city where PRIDE is more than a slogan.
A Short Moment back...
1. Oct 24- 'All Community' Rally for the Redevelopment Work of the West Dumas Life Center: Cookout and Food Distribution for Families- ALL DAY EVENT:
Sign-up | Volunteer | Donate at 870.623.8179
Note: Due to the homicide of two young men in Dumas on the the day of the planned events, the program was done in an abbreviated segment. The completion of the program will take place during the month of July and the date will be announced by here by July 4.
Click below to see a positive report regarding what UALR is saying about City PRIDE
City PRIDE Spring Break Days of Empowerment Series-
City PRIDE- "Positive Results in Dumas Everyday" announces the 2015 Spring Break Days of Empowerment Series set for March 15-April 15. The theme is "All Life Has Dignity." From "Bloody Sunday-March 7, 1965 to a "bloody Saturday," February 7, 2015 at Waterman and Peach with the murder of a young teenage male and the hospitalization of another, the cry to end violence and spread love continues.
This series focuses on recapturing the PRIDE (of dignity) in our community with rallies, community worship services, music celebrations and a special program at the West Dumas Community Family Life Center during the Hood-nic weekend activities. A strong focus for boys and girls ages 8-15 and nightlife for ages 16-24 will be the goal and mission going forward. Here's a brief look at what's scheduled as other events are being added.
Sunday, March 15- Community Prayer Service Lead by National Day of Prayer Leaders- Time and Location TBA
Monday, March 16-5pm-7pm: WE MARCH: Recapturing our PRIDE Street Rally/March from Peach and Waterman to Walnut at HMC-Hunt Memorial Cathedral of Faith: We heard from leaders including NAACP President, Mr. Dale Charles, Chief Everett Cox, Mrs. Hattie Watts along and other community and statewide voices advocating love over hate and peace over violence.
Tuesday-Thursday, March 17-19, 7pm: Citywide Revival at True Harvest Ministries. The lead Minister/Pastor was Walter Witherspoon. Pastor's Arthur L. Hunt, Jr., D.D. spoke on Tuesday and Dale Jackson spoke on Wednesday and Pastor Witherspoon spoke on Thursday. God moved in a great way.
April 4- Remembering Rev. Dr. King on the 47th Anniversary of his assassination with a moving concert tribute and focus on non-violence in our community. National recording artists including Paul Porter and the Racy Brothers were joined by other artists from across the state. Tracy Bell was the organizer and promoter. Shout outs to him.
Below is a recent letter to the Editor of the Dumas Clarion that brings timely emphasis to our mission/purpose and call to action. Currently, over 15 organizations have committed to helping City P.R.I.D.E. achieve its mission.
Dumas 2015 and Beyond: City PRIDE— Arrogance or Apathy? We Decide
To City of Dumas- Leaders, Supporters and Well-Wishers:
February 18, 2015- Today the spotlight is on Dumas and it is both good and not so good. It's not so good because we are in the middle of a murder, a mess and in dire need of a miracle. It's good because there are people and programs that are here and others standing by ready to assist in making a difference in Dumas. But most importantly is the fact that God is with us and right about now, He has much work for us to do.
One program that I wish to share that is committed to being a part of the problem-solving equation is City P.R.I.D.E. which stands for Positive Results in Dumas- Everyday. It's a program committed to the empowerment of boys and girls, youth and young adults and families that mostly reside on the west side of Dumas but has its mission and vision on the entire city of Dumas. It's where I grew up, where I pastor and oversee the West Dumas Community Family Life Center and where my parents and many others gave a lifetime to help build and promote. City P.R.I.D.E. is a program of the West Dumas Community Family Life Center and with support from the city of Dumas, Way Maker Ministries, The College of Aspiring Artists and others, City P.R.I.D.E. has been able to assist youth and young adults and families with mentoring, cultural trips, weekly radio segments, family-school and court interventions, food and household supplies during the past couple of years.
Today, (February 18) is one month to the date from the 2015 MLK Holiday Dumas/Desha Salute and Pioneer Luncheon. The event was strategically held in two locations—West Dumas at HMC—Hunt Memorial Cathedral of Faith and East Dumas at the Dumas Community Center. It was free admission to everyone. After 25 years of producing MLK Legacy tributes, I was excited to come home to do what I call the R.I.P. —Reflect the Past... Inspect the Present and Project the Future regarding the legacy of Rev. Dr. King and engage the now and next generation of dreamers, visionaries, prophets and leaders to become “keepers of the faith.”
Fast-forward, less than one month, to this recent murder— Let me say that I’m very sad to see during the first week of what is known as Black History Month another tragic moment with “black on black” crime. But I know and I’m sure many leaders will agree that this is way bigger than black on black crime. We’ve got the major issue of ‘a city divided’ that’s on the forefront. Classism is for certain high on the list. It’s not new but in these moments the spotlight shining on Dumas forces us to take a good look at reality and ask some real game-changing questions. First off, why did we not come together in a greater way on the MLK Holiday to honor Rev. King and those who gave their lives in the spirit and demonstration of love and non-violence? What is prohibiting us as ministers, educators, elected officials and leaders from coming together and “bringing our boys and girls” to sit with us at the table of brotherhood to teach and share the principles productive citizenship, non-violence and economic advancement?
Let me give “shout outs” to “all” who came out and made it a great day. Thanks to the Dumas Clarion for publishing the article promoting the MLK Holiday which included; an exclusive screening of the VTN-Victory Television Network TV Special, MLK TODAY-Undivided and a luncheon with Alice Patterson of San Antonio Texas, an author, reconciler and granddaughter of a former Klu Klux Klan member.
Finally, in 2008, I wrote a letter to the Editor entitled, What Will it Take? Now five years later, I’m here asking the same question. What will it take? What will it take for Dumas and Desha to move forward, and look at a strategic plan that includes “all of Dumas” with a specific focus on our youth and young adults in the West Dumas community who need a “center of hope” that they can call “their own?” Can we do better? Will we do better? My faith says yes we will.
Green Light Moment— After a costly, legal and frivolous fight regarding the retention of our West Dumas Community Family Life Center, we are blessed to be cleared with the re-development of a city’s centerpiece that brought life, career opportunities and thousands of people multiple benefits over a 12-year period.
Today, we need a city-wide, statewide initiative to help us bring it back. I say to each of you with a humble cry, Dumas, let’s create greater moments with P.R.I.D.E for all of us.
To assist or get details please contact me: Rev. Arthur L. Hunt, Jr., D.D., at 870.623.8179 or at
Below is a quick look at some of the highlights from 2014 and a look ahead for 2015. Your support will mean a lot.
A current focus is to redevelopment the West Dumas Community Family Life Center and resume programs listed on this site as well as multiple new programs that will provide support to boys and girls, youth and young adults along with excellence in family and community programs and empowerment.
Unfortunately, this year Dumas has witnessed three homicides with teenage young men. Our prayers and work combine with all persons, ministries and organizations who are committing to making Dumas truly a city where PRIDE is more than a slogan.
A Short Moment back...
1. Oct 24- 'All Community' Rally for the Redevelopment Work of the West Dumas Life Center: Cookout and Food Distribution for Families- ALL DAY EVENT:
-8am-12noon: Restoring the Center with Volunteer Work Crews on site- (serious skilled workers are desired and donations are needed and welcomed)
-2pm-4pm Rally- HUGS AND HOT DOGS
2. October 29- Monthly Community Forum and Fellowship @ HMC- Bishop Alfonso Madden will speak and lead out with the Memorial Scholarship for the young men who were murdered in Dumas this year:
-6pm-7pm: The Forum- Youth Groups and Community Leaders Discuss Progress for the City
-7pm-9pm: The Fellowship- A time to pray and get revived to the the works of God.
3. November 14- The City PRIDE "Thanks for Giving" Festival Day featuring the best in Delta Music, Soul Food, Creativity, Contests, Vendors, Sports, Fellowshipping and more @West Dumas Life Center- HIGHLIGHT: Presentation of the 10th Annual "Thanks for Giving" Awards/Scholarships to Youth and Adults
4. November 21- Trip to New Orleans for youth and leaders (details regarding time and who can go coming by October 29)
"Let Your Voice Be Heard"
Recent Happenings: Juneteenth| Join us for Juneteenth (June 20th) at the West Dumas Family Life Center at 501 Bowles 5pm-8pm
Sign-up | Volunteer | Donate at 870.623.8179
Note: Due to the homicide of two young men in Dumas on the the day of the planned events, the program was done in an abbreviated segment. The completion of the program will take place during the month of July and the date will be announced by here by July 4.
City PRIDE: Town Hall Forum| May 19,
SUMMER 2015- What Do Our Youth Want? Who
Will Lead Them?
On Tuesday, May 19, 2015 from 5pm-7pm, City P.R.I.D.E. —
Positive Results in Dumas-Everyday is hosting a town hall forum with the theme—Summer
2015: “What Do Our Youth Want? Who Will
Lead Them?” The event focuses on a proactive listening and planning forum with
youth-young adults, families, educators, ministers, entertainment and music
business executives, recording artists, community, civic and community leaders discussing
the issues that are affecting youth in Dumas as well as youth in southeast
Arkansas. The forum will take place at HMC- Hunt
Memorial Cathedral of Faith located at 224 Walnut. A walk-through of the summer camp site and
networking session will follow the forum will be held at the West Dumas
Community Family Life located at 501 W. Bowles Street.
While the forum will speak to the needs and possibilities
focused on all Dumas youth and young adults, a strong emphasis is being placed
on programs that originate and provide strategic services and benefits to youth
who live in the west-end of Dumas and especially youth between the ages of 8-19.
Panel discussion includes leaders from across the city,
county and state who will be sharing their voice of support for youth in Dumas
and Desha. The forum will be a prelude
to the return of a summer camp, Say Y.E.S.—Youth Empowerment Summer which
offers “yes-saying” alternatives based on what youth and young adults desire to
do this summer . The event will also spotlight other programs that are
forthcoming. All community program leaders are invited to attend and
Confirmed panelist to date include: Dr. Michael R. Twyman, who
is the Director of Race and Ethnicity at University of Arkansas at Little Rock,
Superintendent Kelvin Gragg, Dumas Public Schools, Mayor John Brigham, Judy
Day, Executive Director of Dumas Chamber of Commerce along with local pastors, community
leaders, etc.
For questions, comments, a list of past and present partners
and persons or organizations that have upcoming or youth-related program participants
and how volunteers and partners can join City PRIDE, please contact:
Rev. Arthur L. Hunt, Jr., D.D., at 870.623.8179 or email |
City PRIDE Spring Break Days of Empowerment Series-
March 15-April 15, 2015
City PRIDE- "Positive Results in Dumas Everyday" announces the 2015 Spring Break Days of Empowerment Series set for March 15-April 15. The theme is "All Life Has Dignity." From "Bloody Sunday-March 7, 1965 to a "bloody Saturday," February 7, 2015 at Waterman and Peach with the murder of a young teenage male and the hospitalization of another, the cry to end violence and spread love continues.
This series focuses on recapturing the PRIDE (of dignity) in our community with rallies, community worship services, music celebrations and a special program at the West Dumas Community Family Life Center during the Hood-nic weekend activities. A strong focus for boys and girls ages 8-15 and nightlife for ages 16-24 will be the goal and mission going forward. Here's a brief look at what's scheduled as other events are being added.
Sunday, March 15- Community Prayer Service Lead by National Day of Prayer Leaders- Time and Location TBA
Monday, March 16-5pm-7pm: WE MARCH: Recapturing our PRIDE Street Rally/March from Peach and Waterman to Walnut at HMC-Hunt Memorial Cathedral of Faith: We heard from leaders including NAACP President, Mr. Dale Charles, Chief Everett Cox, Mrs. Hattie Watts along and other community and statewide voices advocating love over hate and peace over violence.
Tuesday-Thursday, March 17-19, 7pm: Citywide Revival at True Harvest Ministries. The lead Minister/Pastor was Walter Witherspoon. Pastor's Arthur L. Hunt, Jr., D.D. spoke on Tuesday and Dale Jackson spoke on Wednesday and Pastor Witherspoon spoke on Thursday. God moved in a great way.
April 4- Remembering Rev. Dr. King on the 47th Anniversary of his assassination with a moving concert tribute and focus on non-violence in our community. National recording artists including Paul Porter and the Racy Brothers were joined by other artists from across the state. Tracy Bell was the organizer and promoter. Shout outs to him.
Below is a recent letter to the Editor of the Dumas Clarion that brings timely emphasis to our mission/purpose and call to action. Currently, over 15 organizations have committed to helping City P.R.I.D.E. achieve its mission.
Dumas 2015 and Beyond: City PRIDE— Arrogance or Apathy? We Decide
To City of Dumas- Leaders, Supporters and Well-Wishers:
February 18, 2015- Today the spotlight is on Dumas and it is both good and not so good. It's not so good because we are in the middle of a murder, a mess and in dire need of a miracle. It's good because there are people and programs that are here and others standing by ready to assist in making a difference in Dumas. But most importantly is the fact that God is with us and right about now, He has much work for us to do.
One program that I wish to share that is committed to being a part of the problem-solving equation is City P.R.I.D.E. which stands for Positive Results in Dumas- Everyday. It's a program committed to the empowerment of boys and girls, youth and young adults and families that mostly reside on the west side of Dumas but has its mission and vision on the entire city of Dumas. It's where I grew up, where I pastor and oversee the West Dumas Community Family Life Center and where my parents and many others gave a lifetime to help build and promote. City P.R.I.D.E. is a program of the West Dumas Community Family Life Center and with support from the city of Dumas, Way Maker Ministries, The College of Aspiring Artists and others, City P.R.I.D.E. has been able to assist youth and young adults and families with mentoring, cultural trips, weekly radio segments, family-school and court interventions, food and household supplies during the past couple of years.
Today, (February 18) is one month to the date from the 2015 MLK Holiday Dumas/Desha Salute and Pioneer Luncheon. The event was strategically held in two locations—West Dumas at HMC—Hunt Memorial Cathedral of Faith and East Dumas at the Dumas Community Center. It was free admission to everyone. After 25 years of producing MLK Legacy tributes, I was excited to come home to do what I call the R.I.P. —Reflect the Past... Inspect the Present and Project the Future regarding the legacy of Rev. Dr. King and engage the now and next generation of dreamers, visionaries, prophets and leaders to become “keepers of the faith.”
Fast-forward, less than one month, to this recent murder— Let me say that I’m very sad to see during the first week of what is known as Black History Month another tragic moment with “black on black” crime. But I know and I’m sure many leaders will agree that this is way bigger than black on black crime. We’ve got the major issue of ‘a city divided’ that’s on the forefront. Classism is for certain high on the list. It’s not new but in these moments the spotlight shining on Dumas forces us to take a good look at reality and ask some real game-changing questions. First off, why did we not come together in a greater way on the MLK Holiday to honor Rev. King and those who gave their lives in the spirit and demonstration of love and non-violence? What is prohibiting us as ministers, educators, elected officials and leaders from coming together and “bringing our boys and girls” to sit with us at the table of brotherhood to teach and share the principles productive citizenship, non-violence and economic advancement?
Let me give “shout outs” to “all” who came out and made it a great day. Thanks to the Dumas Clarion for publishing the article promoting the MLK Holiday which included; an exclusive screening of the VTN-Victory Television Network TV Special, MLK TODAY-Undivided and a luncheon with Alice Patterson of San Antonio Texas, an author, reconciler and granddaughter of a former Klu Klux Klan member.
Finally, in 2008, I wrote a letter to the Editor entitled, What Will it Take? Now five years later, I’m here asking the same question. What will it take? What will it take for Dumas and Desha to move forward, and look at a strategic plan that includes “all of Dumas” with a specific focus on our youth and young adults in the West Dumas community who need a “center of hope” that they can call “their own?” Can we do better? Will we do better? My faith says yes we will.
Green Light Moment— After a costly, legal and frivolous fight regarding the retention of our West Dumas Community Family Life Center, we are blessed to be cleared with the re-development of a city’s centerpiece that brought life, career opportunities and thousands of people multiple benefits over a 12-year period.
Today, we need a city-wide, statewide initiative to help us bring it back. I say to each of you with a humble cry, Dumas, let’s create greater moments with P.R.I.D.E for all of us.
To assist or get details please contact me: Rev. Arthur L. Hunt, Jr., D.D., at 870.623.8179 or at
Days of Empowerment and Highlights
Mentoring Youth
and Young Adults- Intervention inside the Juvenile Detention System
Opening Session
with UALR’s Race and Ethnicity Department at Dumas Community Center
Give-a-Ways from
the HMC Food Pantry
Back to School
Gifts for Students
City P.R.I.D.E. T’ Shirt Awards to Persons who Volunteer and
who Give Back to the Dumas/Desha Community Throughout the Year
HUGS AND HOT DOGS- A part of Sunday's in the Summer Series
Weekly radio promotions focusing on spotlighting positive results in Dumas everyday. Monday's 9am-10am on KABF 88.3 FM and
NEXT 2014 Year-end and 2015 Vision
City PRIDE 2015
focuses on Dumas as a “model city” for ‘positive results in Dumas and in the
Delta’ everyday.
A one-year
initiative that invite persons from across the state of Arkansas and a three-eight
state Delta region to help build and expand the City PRIDE model.
b. Re-development of the West Dumas Community Family Life Center to include the physical restoration and both the return of proven youth programs as well as new programming to meet the needs of our emerging youth and young adults.
b. Re-development of the West Dumas Community Family Life Center to include the physical restoration and both the return of proven youth programs as well as new programming to meet the needs of our emerging youth and young adults.
2. December kick-off
included advertising and promotions inviting persons to attend
special January MLK Holiday in Dumas for January 18-19 with VTN-Victory
Television Network, KABF 88.3 FM and other promoting Dumas. The MLK Holiday Celebration included an exclusive screening of the VTN-Victory Television Network TV Special, MLK TODAY-Undivided and a luncheon with Alice Patterson of San Antonio Texas, an author, reconciler and granddaughter of a former Klu Klux Klan member.
2014- The Year in Review
On Saturday February 22, 2014, City P.R.I.D.E. (Positive Results in Dumas-Every Day), HMC- Hunt Memorial Cathedral of Faith, The College of Aspiring Artists, Way Maker Ministries of New Orleans and DCA- Delta Citizens Alliance of Greenville, MS are teaming up with local ministries, businesses and individuals in Dumas and in Desha county to present the opening session of City P.R.I.D.E. Days of Empowerment (DOE) is the expansion initiative of the program that began with a monthly serving of a community meal along with the distribution of food and necessity items to families across the region.
Dr. Michael R. Twyman, Director of the University of Arkansas at Little Rock Institute on Race and Ethnicity, will be the Keynote Speaker and Panelist for the Day of Empowerment (DOE). The event is scheduled at two locations. From 8am-9am, a one-hour prayer and praise celebration focusing on prayers for the city, county and nation will take place at HMC located at 228 Waterman Street and at 10am the Forum/Luncheon will convene at the Dumas Community City located at 18 Belmont Drive.
“We began with meal and food distribution but we know that providing what is needed to improve the total spiritual, mental and physical needs in the community is what ministry and community service must do in order to be effective in transforming lives. We are also very much aware of the reports from the USDA and the Arkansas Department of Human Services, etc., that convey that there are tens of thousands of seniors and persons in Arkansas who are food insecure in that they don’t have enough to eat or are at the risk of going hungry. City P.R.I.D.E. is at work saying that we along with others are producing… Positive Results In Dumas- Everyday.”
City Pride Mission/Vision
January 21, 2013 was the Federal Holiday
honoring Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. and also Inauguration Day of
President Barack Obama in his second term. City PRIDE charted a bus to get
Dumas youth and adults to the AR State Capitol Salute. Beyond the MLK Holiday/Presidential
Inauguration, City PRIDE has been working with youth and adults to make a
positive impact through food distribution, mentoring and community outreach
throughout the community, county, state and national networks who share in this
vision of achieving… City P.R.I.D.E.
Historical Brief- December 2014
The inspiration that led to the development, incorporation and operation of the West Dumas Community Family Life Center, Inc., (WDC FLC) all began with a dream and a deep passion to do the work of ministry and community service. Today, this goal or passion is often referred to as “improving the quality of life.”
This Vision-Exchange reveals the investment of finances, human capital, network collaborations and other resources that have and remain today strength to the community of Dumas and the entire Desha County region. This is our redevelopment update and next step strategies.
The start of the dream is always important and our overview begins here. In the west end of Dumas adjacent to the Dumas Housing Authority Residential Community and to the Reed Elementary School, an old dilapidated building sat for years. Built to be a Catfish Farm, the facility unfortunately never experienced any significant success ultimately became a major eyesore for 33 years. The property would eventually be donated to an organization that was headed and directed under the leadership of the late Dr. A.L. Hunt, Sr., who was Pastor of the West Dumas Church of God in Christ.
In 1992, Dr. Hunt began a mission to renovate the site and prepare to open the complex under a banner and theme that would be in the heart of the community and would have the community in its heart. After recruiting and appointing a diverse board from within the community and state, comprised of different backgrounds, came much sweat and blood and tremendous sacrifice from within the local church and community who were dedicated to the reconstruction efforts. In the fall of 1994 the Dedication Ceremony of the West Dumas Family Life Center took place in a grand fashion that will long be remembered. It was the first community center of its type in the entire county.
Rev. Arthur L. Hunt, Jr., a charter board member who was living in Atlanta, Georgia working for a major recording label, brought Grammy Award Winning Recording Artist and Tony Award Winner, Ms. Jennifer Holliday to Dumas for the Grand Opening of the West Dumas Community Family Life Center during the Thanksgiving Holiday.
Joined by dignitaries from across the state with a special visit with the Winthrop Rockefeller Foundation, the time for new beginnings was set. From 1994 to the current date, The West Dumas Community Life Center continues to operate under the core motivation of its primary vision.
A. Overview
The purpose of this Vision-Exchange is to update key officers, current and future partners regarding the current goals and initiatives of the center.
We begin with a reflection of Significant Accomplishments & Milestones during the administration of the late Dr. A.L. Hunt, Sr.
• Established the West Dumas Community Family Life Center, a non-profit public benefit corporation designed to provide community service specifically to persons located inside the West Dumas community but with programs that would serve the entire city and surrounding areas. The property was donated by Merchants and Farmers Bank. The programs and projects have served many organizations, institutions and churches as well as hundreds of families, and students each year. Thousands of persons have utilized the property and received great support and services.
B. Special Programs & Projects Housed and Operated Under the Oversight of the West Dumas Community Family Life Center:
a. Youth and Family Programs
b. Basketball Camps conducted by UAPB and Dumas Public Schools.
c. Summer Camps and free-lunch programs
d. Drug Prevention Seminars
e. Crime Prevention Seminars
f. Church Picnics and reunions
g. Community Rally’s and Town Hall Meetings
h. Voter Registration Drives
i. Blood Drives
j. Literacy Programs
k. School Reunions and Picnics
l. Bible Training Institute
m. Health & Wellness Fairs
n. Vocational training; cosmetology, masonry, food services, computer training
o. Bank and Financial Seminars
p. Park and Recreational Services
q. Health and Fitness Gym
r. Counseling and Rehabilitation Services
s. Music Festivals
t. The College of Aspiring Artists Music and Arts Programs; a collaboration with Youth Opportunity and the U.S. Department of Labor; The program produced a Youth Choir that touring the nation including Washington, D.C., Atlanta, Georgia, Tampa Florida, and other key cities. 40 plus of the youth in the West Dumas community were afforded this great experience.
u. TEA- Transportation Program
v. Say Y.E.S. (Youth Empowerment Summer) Initiative; a collaboration with the 21st Century Community Learning Grant
w. Generation Next Youth Empowerment Project
x. “Power of Oneness” Community Rally’s
y. Dreamer’s Conference Series
In 2004 a fire was set on the property and due to a lack of funding to properly renovate and resume programming, the programs were moved to the HMC (Hunt Memorial Cathedral of Faith) multi-purpose facility. The program continues to do a number of community empowerment programs through the various programs listed below.
C. West Dumas Community Family Life Center Project Review and Projections
Generation Next Youth Empowerment Project- A key program of the West Dumas Family Life Center. G’ Next (short for Generation Next) is our vision and commitment designed to help develop and prepare youth and young adults from our community to be the “next” group of leaders and community developers through the following programs;
1. Generation Next After-School Program - The After-School Program began with initial registration on August 16th 2005 at a community luncheon and featured a keynote address by U.S. Congressman, Mike Ross in the Educational and Fellowship Hall of HMC. The major objective of program emphasizes reading and a concept called, “Achieving Your Dream”. The goal is to motivate and encourage participants to read better with greater understanding. The hours of the After-School Program were 3pm-6pm, Monday-Thursday and funding was secured for one year. Currently, the G’Next program is operating on Wednesday’s only due to staffing and lack of resources.
2.Program components- Participants do their homework, receive tutorial support, read, write stories and perform through music and arts program from TCAA, The College of Aspiring Artist, a Little Rock based academy, preparing individuals for professional music careers.
3. G’ Next Summer Camp- When resources are available beginning in July and ending in August, the summer months are filled with reading and recreational activities including field trips and empowerment activities.
• Annual Dreamer’s Conference Series- September-October Annual conference designed to motivate, inspire & encourage dreamers and visionaries to remain constant in pursuit of their dreams; a time and place where dreams become reality. One of the significant moments of the conference is the presentation of the church’s highest award, The Dr. A.L. Hunt, “Powerful Dream-Unshakable Dreamer’s Award
• Delta Music Recording Project- Developing, promoting and marketing musical talents located inside the Arkansas, Mississippi and Louisiana Delta through music business and recording opportunities.
D. Summary
The West Dumas Family Life Center, its board, affiliates and staff of volunteers continues its mission to bring great programs and projects to the great residents in Dumas and Desha County. Our goal is to stay focused on our primary agenda planted deeply in our initial core foundation while at the same time expand our capacity through networking and building strong partnerships and collaborations within our community. Amid many adversities this beacon of hope remains alive and well.
The West Dumas Family Life Center is open to any all positive discussions and ideas and collaborations that we assist us in our efforts.
On February 19, 2012, founding and charter board member, Dr. Alice M. Hunt-Tatum died and the board has a mission of honoring her along with other leaders and organizations who have and continue to make strong contributions to this community, county, state and nation in phase II of the center. The center at this time is being sued by the city of Dumas based on a frivolous claim that the city does not know who the owners of the center are. The lawsuit was filed in 2009. On December 15, 2014, the lawsuit was dismissed in favor of the West Dumas Community Family Life Center.
The programs continued and a new initiative, City P.R.I.D.E. – Positive Results in Dumas-Everyday is now a centerpiece of the vision. The program has boys and girls as its major focus with a goal of empowerment for persons across Dumas, Desha and throughout the Delta from our efforts and strategic location in Dumas.
Currently, plans have begun for a re-development of the center with a return of the existing programs mentioned in this narrative along with new programs to include a satellite campus for new and aspiring artists by TCAA-The College of Aspiring Artists. TCAA was an official institution that was a part of the 3-year study of the Creative Economy sponsored by the Winthrop Rockefeller Foundation. The reports from 2007-2009 can be seen and printed at:
West Dumas Community Family Life Center
Physical address: 501 West Bowles | Mailing Address: P.O. Box 307 Dumas, AR 71639
Phone: 870.623.8179 |Email:
City PRIDE is Presented by:
West Dumas Family Life Center, Area Ministries, Way Maker Ministries- Each One Help One
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